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Helping Hands


Mission: Put vitamins in the hands of all who need them, but can't afford them.

Mission: Put vitamins in the hands of all who need them, but can't afford them yet.

Vitamins for All believes everyone, both adults and children, deserve access to at least the basic supplements to fill in nutritional gaps. This includes starting with a quality multivitamin and omega 3, and adding on supplements based on the individual's needs. 

​My name is Joshua Gothelf. I am a physician assistant that specializes in functional medicine and lifestyle medicine. Throughout the 7 years I have been practicing I have dedicated myself to providing affordable natural healthcare. As the founder of The Ark Wellness Center, I have helped hundreds of people get supplements and lab testing at a majorly discounted price. Vitamins for All is the next phase in the process.

​I started Vitamins for All to raise funds to distribute supplements, at free of charge, to under-served communities here in South Florida to the underserved communities. 100% of the funds will go to purchasing supplements. Our avenues of distribution will begin in local churches and synagogues with the help of some of my patients. The long term goal will to eventually create distribution centers throughout the US.

​Please help me to begin this incredible mission to put supplements in the hands of those who need them.

100% of the money will go to purchasing vitamins for those that can't afford them.

I will personally contribute 10% of supplement profits through the supplement dispensaries (designs for health, wholescripts, fullscript, wellevate) each month.

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